What is Clairvoyance?

While searching for information about Telepathy, the term Clairvoyance also appeared, so I decided to know more about it. Below is what I found

What is Clairvoyance? Clairvoyance is the alleged ability to gain information about an object, person, location, or physical event through extrasensory perception.  Clairvoyance is the ability to see with the mind’s eye.

A person who is claimed to have such ability is said to be a clairvoyant.

clairvoyant is someone who receives intuitive information visually

More about Clairvoyance or The Ability To See With The Mind’s Eyes

The term ‘clairvoyance’ comes from two French terms, meaning ‘clear vision.’ In essence, clairvoyance is when someone has the paranormal ability to obtain information outside of the normal realm of sensory perception. A clairvoyant is someone who receives intuitive information visually or through the mind’s eye

There are certain vital glands responsible for third eye clairvoyant abilities, and these are the Pineal and Pituitary Glands. The pineal gland is located in the geometric center of the brain. The pituitary gland is located just behind the eyes.

While the physiological function of this gland has been a mystery to modern science, mystical traditions have long understood that the pineal gland is the connecting link between the physical and spiritual worlds. Any person that has worked assiduously on developing their third eye potential can rightly be called Clairvoyant.

While some believe clairvoyance is nothing but a trait seen in movies, there are thousands of people all around the world blessed with this ability, and that’s only counting the ones who have been able to identify it and have chosen to discuss it.

Forms of Manifestation

For some clairvoyants, a specific object or topic can trigger an episode of clear vision, such as a casual discussion about baseball, or seeing a specific number on the clock. Other clairvoyants could experience their visions in their dreams.

Clairvoyance also regarded as clear seeing is a metaphysical sense that means seeing a mental image within what in the esoteric world is known as the Third Eye. It is also often referred to as the 6th sense or spiritual sight.  The Third Eye is a region located between your eyebrows at the center of your forehead, and it is a symbol of enlightenment and of awakening.

This is probably the most well known of the metaphysical senses, or at least the most talked about. It is what most refer to and think of as psychic abilities. It is an ability that is latent in most people and can be developed through practice. Some individuals respond to visual interpretation easier and quicker than auditory, thinking, or feeling senses.

How to Stimulate the Clairvoyance

You can stimulate your Clairvoyance abilities by doing the following things:

1. Use your intuition more – By trusting and following your intuition more you are slowly developing your third eye, as well as getting accustomed to using your latent psychic gifts.

2. Get in touch with your creative side – The third eye is often associated with creativity. By getting in touch with your creative side, you are also stimulating the development and awakening of your third eye.

3. Become mindful of your surroundings – The third eye allows you to see things that others cannot see. Just like with being creative, being mindful also helps stimulate the development and awakening of your third eye.

4. Practice Meditation – The third eye opens naturally for those who practice meditation seriously. Meditating and visualizing daily causes your third eye to open. This is a sure way to awaken your third eye.

Types of Clairvoyance

Clairvoyance is also described as the paranormal ability to see persons and events that are distant in time or space, without using sigh, sound, touch, smell or taste to absorb the information. In many cases, clairvoyants have the ability to visualize people and events at another point in time. This gift can be divided into three separate types:

  • Precognition, also called future vision or future sight is the claimed psychic ability to perceive or see events in the future.
  • Retrocognition is the ability to see past events, and people
  • Remote viewing which is the perception of contemporary events and people happening outside of the range of normal perception

The gift of clairvoyance is extraordinary and rare, but many who possess this ability grow with some frustration by the fact that they don’t know when they will receive a vision and if the events they envision will or have taken place. However, they can learn how to endure their visions and to use the information properly.

There is no accepted scientific evidence about these paranormal phenomena and they are considered pseudoscience. However, in one way or another, paranormal phenomena are accepted in many cultures around the world.   

Why Clairvoyance Is Cataloged As Pseudoscience?

An ability or a procedure is cataloged as Pseudoscience if it consists of statements, belief, or practices that are claimed to be both scientific and factual but are incompatible with the Scientific Method. 

The Scientific Method consists of a number of basic principles accepted by scientists as standards for determining whether a body of knowledge, method, or practice is scientific. Experimental results should be reproducible and verified by other researchers.

These principles are intended to ensure experiments can be reproduced measurably given the same conditions, allowing a further investigation to determine whether a hypothesis or theory related to given phenomena is valid and reliable.

All gathered data, including the experimental or environmental conditions, are expected to be documented for scrutiny and made available for peer review, allowing further experiments or studies to conducted to confirm or falsify results.”  – Definition of the Scientific Method from Wikipedia

 Signs of Clairvoyant or Other Psychic Abilities

Psychic powers and psychic abilities are considered special because they enable you to perceive things beyond the physical body, and they’re not rare. Such abilities and powers are part of the daily life of many of us.

The truth is that believe it or not, each and every one of us is psychic. However, some people are more psychic than others, either because they were born with their abilities at a higher level of development, or because they have been using techniques to improve them.

It is common for people to ask themselves or to others whether or not all their psychic experiences are mere imagination. Something that is important to keep in mind is that to improve the psychic abilities you need to become more conscious of your perceptions to identify which ones are physical or and which are nonphysical.

Psychic ability requires you being in a receptive or passive state to where try to receive the perception without allowing your will or expectation to interfere.

How do you know if you have psychic abilities?

Some signs of Clairvoyant and/or Psychical Activities are:

  • Seeing things out of the corner of your eyes, to the point where you are double taking and double checking that you didn’t see someone.
  • Feeling happy, energized, after meeting someone – in this case your contact with that person transmitted good, positive vibration to you.
  • Feeling exhausted after meeting someone – You received negative vibrations from that person.
  • Being able to predict what’s going to happen in the future
  • Is intuition common to you?
  • Have you had any recollection of events in the past or the impression that you have already been in a place you are visiting for the first time?
  • Do you sometimes feel that something is going to happen to someone you know and eventually finding out that it actually happened?
  • Have you visited a friend or a relative at their house, and left feeling drained?
  • Have you experienced seeing people who have already passed away?
  • Have you waked up remembering an out-of-the-body experience?
  • Are you able to know about other people’s lives without knowing them?
  • Creating entire scenes in your mind about the future.
  • Visual Psychic Flashes

If your answer to any of these questions is “yes”, then there is a huge possibility that you actually have a decent level of psychic power. As mentioned earlier, some people’s psychic abilities will be stronger or weaker than others’. It’s basically up to you if you want to go further in developing your psychic ability.

How To Develop Your Psychic Abilities To See With Your Mind’s Eyes

  •  Meditate RegularlyThe thing with meditation is that it enables you to switch off your analytical, thinking brain, allowing you to tap into your creative, intuitive, and subconscious mind. When you meditate, you are able to access information on a deeper level, which is vital in psychic development. As time passes, you will begin to feel an increased connection to your Higher Self, Spirit, and others’ energy.
  • Learn About Your Energy Field – Learning about auras and chakras is essential in enhancing one’s psychic abilities. When you learn about the energies, or electromagnetic fields, that surround us, and when you begin to have an understanding of how they really work, you will start to see the world in a very different way. This knowledge will also change the way you interact with other people.
  • Listen to Your Inner Voice More Listening to the voice within, and allowing it to guide you, can be very helpful in enhancing your psychic powers. Oftentimes, this small voice speaks to us through our thoughts to let us know whether something is good or not. However, it is our tendency to dismiss such thoughts, and realize later on, that things could have been better if we had listened to that voice. This inner voice is actually your spirit guide, which can be a powerful tool if you just listen to it.
  • Visit an Antique Store or a Public Library – Pay attention to what you feel. Pick up an object or a book and closing your eyes for a few seconds, be receptive to any impression you may come to your senses.  All objects become impregnated with vibrations emanating from the persons who come in contact with them, and matter preserves the memory of those vibrations. Our thoughts affect the vibratory nature of objects around us, while the vibrations retained by material substances, in turn, affect us.

If you’ve finally found the answer to your original question, “Am I psychic?“, and you have reasons to believe you have psychic powers, your next goal must be to make those abilities your second nature.

You’ll want to embrace it, and learn to control it, and you can do these things if you are driven by interest and curiosity. By incorporating non-physical perceptions in your normal daily routine, and by allowing yourself to be guided by a more experienced psychic, it won’t take long until you see huge changes in the meanings of these kinds of experience.

Clairvoyance History

The ability to see things with the mind was for many centuries given religious significance, chiefly as messages from God, although clairvoyance has never been solely a Christian phenomenon.

Ancient Hindu religious texts speak of a skill that can be accomplished through personal discipline and meditation.

For centuries, clairvoyants learned to keep their experiences quiet for fear of being condemned as a witch and it was only towards the end of the 18th century that the phenomenon was explored scientifically.

The Marquis de Puysegur took inspiration from Franz Mesmer – who theorized that there were forces of energy called animal magnetism. He recorded the personality changes of a peasant he was treating, while he was in a trance, and was reportedly the first to use the term “clairvoyance”.

It was Duke University psychologist J.B. Rhine who introduced a more standard method of testing, as part of research into extrasensory perception in the early 1930s.

He used a system developed by Karl Zener, where people who claimed to have clairvoyant gifts were asked to identify which one of five cards depicting different symbols had been picked by the tester.

More recently, the Stanford Research Institute coined the term remote viewing and carried out studies into whether people could identify and describe remote locations or targets.

Uri Geller

The researchers, Harold Puthoff and Russell Targ, believed that Uri Geller had psychic abilities and Geller’s skills were showcased on many TV programs. Geller born on December 20, 1946, in Tel Aviv is an Israeli-British illusionist, magician, television personality, and self-proclaimed psychic.

Geller is known for his trademark television performances of spoon bending and other illusions. He uses conjuring tricks to simulate the effects of psychokinesis and telepathy, though he consistently claims his powers are real. His career as an entertainer has spanned more the four decades.

The conjuring trick is a trick in which something is made to appear as if by magic, often using a quick movement of the hand

In the past few decades, thousands of experiments have been carried out to test clairvoyance. One study in 1994 recorded a 32 percent accurate response rate, compared to a change rate of 25 percent.

Related Questions

What is Claircognizance? Claircognizance is the ability to gain knowledge without traditional means of learning said information. This ability is often confused with clairvoyance because people with either of these abilities rely on precognition and/or retro-cognition to gain information. Claircognizance is also known as Clear Knowledge.

Examples of Claircognizance are: Finishing other people’s sentences because you know the answer even before they finish the thought, or knowing immediately if someone is lying to you, even though you have nothing concrete to back up your thought.

What is Clairsentience? Clairsentience is the ability to gain knowledge about a person, animal or object by feeling its vibrations when touching it. Clairsentience is also known as Clear Feeling. Feeling sad or anxious all of a sudden without reason or feeling an unexplained sense of foreboding could be a manifestation of Clairsentience.

What is Clairaudience? Clairaudience is the ability to hear voices or spirits without using traditional hearing methods. Clairaudience is also known as Clear Hearing. Clairaudience can come to you in the form of repetitious thoughts and tones. These are the type of thoughts that keep popping into your head, even when you were not consciously thinking about them.


The following Youtube video provides good information about Clairvoyance

Sources of Information: Wikipedia, intuitivejournal.com, imaginespirit.com, backpackerverse.com, tanahoy.com, psychics4today.com, intuitivesoulsblog.com, thecircle.com

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